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Spirituality and spiritual dimension !
With modern humanity understands spirituality and, therefore, what kind of people they mistakenly cchitayut Spiritual?
Under the spiritual, almost 100% of people understand - feeling "beautiful", for example: symphonic music, poetry, and so on and so these intelligent people tend to believe they are spiritual. Ie in our physical world - a dimension normal intelligence mistaken for spirituality.
What, in fact, is meant by spirituality?
Spirituality - a new state of our physical being where it is no longer valid laws of our physical world. Therefore, under the spiritual dimension must be understood Spiritual - Eternal Peace, which are completely different - eternal laws, which differ fundamentally from the physical laws of our sinful - perverted world - the measurement.
How are spiritual people from other people?
The fact that they, in whole or in part, not the action of physical laws of our physical world, but laws of the Spiritual World - measure. For example: on the spiritual people, in part or in whole, not the force of law famine in normal diet: bread, water, meat, vegetables and so on. And they tend to feed only: milk, honey, juice, for many years, and at the same time, feel great.
Currently, the world lives a few spiritual people - Pranoedov that more than 10 years eating only the Holy Spirit - Prana, in the truest sense of the word, and thus, feel great.
What will continue to distinguish the spiritual people from ordinary?
Already, in our - the 21 st century, people will start to notice that spiritual men are different from them, not just those that do not feed the physical and spiritual food, in the truest sense of the word but also its longevity, disease-free and in constant joy, which transforms them into eternal life, in this life and in this body. But it will state as fact, has only the children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and so on, those people that when these are now spiritual people, were classmates and so on.
What do you think about this?
Nikolay Elenberg